Summary of random news
In Israel’s Rising Violence, Ripples From 1948
Since 1948, Israel has overtaken the land of Lod/Lydda by ousting the Palestinian population. It was publicly addressed that the state of Israel and the population of Palestinian are irreconcilable. The tension between the Arab and Jewish has never been completed cleared since 1948 and it has only gotten worsen over the years. Back to how Israel was reestablished in 1948 with the help of UN, I considered that was a modern day miracle of assigning a piece of land that was occupied by another ethic group the Arabic. Ever since then, the state of Israel implemented a return home policy to allow Jewish over the world to welcome back to Israel. Most of them settled back in the promised land area as described in the Bible. Recently, with the help of the US, Israel has moved its capital back to Jerusalem. As know, the East side of Jerusalem has a mixed region with high Arabic population. Same as Lod the residents of Jerusalem can either be refugees under Israel or be global refugees which UN should have policy to help these Arabic group to settle globally. The main point again is that in Israel’s communal belief, the best solution for the purge and to protect Israel’s prosperity and stability is to oust all the Arabic population out of the lands of Israel. The constant conflicts between the two groups currently don’t seem to have a solution but to continue spiralling in deadly conflicts. For this month’s conflict at Lydda, it was caused among Jewish, Israel police, and Arabic mobs after five Palestinian families were forced to leave the area to create more room for new settlers. The prime minister has condemned the groups and stated “lynching” a proper punishment for the groups.
Arab World Condemns Israeli Violence but Takes Little Action
Countries such as Egypt and Jordan have sent out national securities to try to mediate the conflicts between Israel and Hamas. There are also countries such as Turkey and Qatar which have expressed fervent critics against Israel describing Israel’s invasion on the holiest region in Jerusalem a terroristic move. There are also countries such as Sultan and the United Arab Emirates trying to naturalize the situations so not to disrupt the just-established diplomatic relationship with Israel last time under the Trump administrations. The benefits from the economical and technological relationships with Israel outweighs the consequence of being its enemies so Sultan and the United Arab Emirates are likely to remain neutral for the incidence. In short, it is unclear how it will escalate in the Arabic world but at the moment there seems to be more talks instead of actions. However, Israel seems to be determined to launch a full counterattack to Hamas aiming to completely destroy the organization. Turkey and Qatar publicly stated they will defend the holiest land for the Arab world against Israel’s invasion as they described.
As Congress Dithers, States Step In to Set Rules for the Internet
The article discusses that passing federal regulation to curtail big tech businesses takes forever due to partisan block always. However, in State level we can see that these internet laws are so much easier to turn into Law (some in under a month such as demanding e-commerce to also display seller’s email and phone number). In recent years, big tech companies have been faced blitz of data privacy bills to limit them from abusing users data. Although it has proven to be useless in passing at the federal level, State level on the other hand is nimble at turning the bills into Laws. One great example is that Florida has passed the bills to inhibit social media from permanently banning any political candidates’ accounts. It also applies to news outlets where social media can’t selectively take down posts to prevent biased censorships. Big tech companies have sent out experts to lobby congress to block federal regulations claiming that these regulations are only hodgepodge creating inconvenience for the users. Many state officials maneuver crafting effective bills to curtail the big tech companies and they abhor the nature of federal legislations. However, the barrage at State levels will still be a good start to prevent any companies from wielding excessive power without any responsibilities and consequences.
He’s a Dogecoin Millionaire. And He’s Not Selling. – Glauber Contessoto
Mr Contessoto has nickname known as DogeFather because he has put his life saving into this volatile meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin which its creators have disavowed and simply made as a spoof of the cryto craze. However, Mr Contessoto has this philosophy in which he believe modern day we should either invest from traditional ways or listening to so-called experts but based on how funny these investment are. He said, “Dogecoin has the best branding of all cryptocurrency,” he said. “If you put in front of me all the symbols of Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin — everything just looks super high tech and futuristic. And Dogecoin just looks like: Hey, guys, what’s up?”. It is understandable to people similar to Mr Contessoto because in recent years skyrocketing house prices, pandemics, and inflations have made living a comfortable life harder than it was in the old days. It gravitates young people to get-rich-quick schemes instead of being in an elusive condition. Some has risen concerns over the craze being only a tacky sideshow masking the serious application of cryptocurrencies.
As M&A accelerates, deal-makers are leveraging AI and ML to keep pace
The big winners from the global pandemic include the e-commerce, video streaming, food ordering services and etc. Some industries such as M&A may not seem to be benefited directly but it did experience positive transformation during the process. Many due diligence tasks have been evaluated whether we can leverage AI and ML to reduce the time to execute them. M&A is notorious in its business nature where it is heavily dependant on relationship and connections to move things forward. Without being able to see face to face, a lot of the due diligence used to be performed now experience bottlenecks. If we can leverage AL to replace many labor heavy tasks and instead spare more time for employees to focus on the figuring out the high level goals, it will enormously increase productivity. Some experts believe that some manual processes which take six months to finish will be cut down to two to three months instead. Technically there are already many solutions to speed up and automate many due diligence work on the selling side which have proven effective. However, buying side still relies excessively on many manual processes so it posts challenges to the M&A industry how we utilize data, AI and ML to replace manual cataloging important info using word, spreadsheets and etc.